Recent Talks
Towards a Complexity Theory for Fully Quantum Problems. Institute for Advanced Study Workshop on Quantum Physics and Information (August 19, 2024). [Slides]
New developments in quantum pseudorandomness. International Congress of Mathematical Physics (July 4, 2024). [Slides]
Some Thoughts on Quantum Complexity Theory, Then and Now. UmeshFest (April 27, 2024).
A tale of Turing Machines, Quantum-Entangled Particles, and Operator Algebras. Nelson Lecture at McMaster University (March 15, 2024). [Slides]
Aspects of pseudorandom unitaries, and a construction. Quantum pseudorandomness workshop at the Simons Institute (March 12, 2024).
Towards a Complexity Theory for the Quantum Age?: MIT Theory of Computation Colloquium (February 27, 2024). Harvard Quantum Seminar (Febuary 29, 2024). [Slides]
On the Pauli Spectrum of QAC0: IBM Quantum Seminar (November 28, 2023). [Slides]
A Complexity Theory for the Quantum Age?: U Maryland QuICS Seminar (August 11, 2023). NYU CS Theory Seminar (September 21, 2023). Eastern Great Lakes Theory of Computation Workshop (September 30, 2023). NYU Quantum Summit (October 10, 2023). UOttawa QUASAR seminar (October 20, 2023). [Slides]
Efficient, stable presentations from error-correcting codes: Fields Institute Workshop on Operator Algebras and Applications (August 31, 2023). [Slides] [Video]
Pseudorandom Quantum States: QCrypt 2023 Tutorial Talk (August 14, 2023). [Slides]
Unitary Complexity and the Uhlmann Transformation Problem: Princeton CS Theory Seminar (April 28, 2023). [Video]
When do we get quantum advantage?: Columbia Physics Colloquium Panel (February 20, 2023).
A Tale of Turing Machines, Quantum Entanglement, and Operator Algebras: ITA 2023 (February 15, 2023).
A complexity theory for the Quantum Age?: CQIQC Conference 2022 (August 30, 2022). Princeton Quantum Initiative Colloquium (September 19, 2022). [Slides] [Video] UC Berkeley Theory Lunch (March 1, 2023).
Cryptography from Pseudorandom Quantum States: IQUIST Seminar (January 18, 2022). [Slides] [Video]
Noncommutative Property Testing: MPS Conference on High-Dimensional Expanders (October 27, 2021). Oberwolfach workshop on complexity theory (November 16, 2021). U Delaware Quantum Information Seminar (December 8, 2021). UC San Diego Functional Analysis Seminar (January 10, 2023). [Slides]
Interactive Proofs for Synthesizing Quantum States and Unitaries: Quantum Wave Reunion Workshop, Simons Institute. [Slides] [Video]
Einstein meets Turing: the computability of nonlocal games: Computability in Europe (July 5, 2021) [Slides]
How to Compress a Nonlocal Game: TQC Plenary Talk (June 10, 2020) [Slides]. STOC Workshop on MIP* = RE (June 24, 2021) [Slides].
Products of games: Nonlocal games workshop (May 20, 2021). [Slides] [Video]
The role of proofs in MIP* = RE: Quantum Information for Mathematics, Economics, and Statistics Workshop (May 26, 2021). Simons Quantum Colloquium (May 4, 2021). [Talk] [Panel discussion]
Low-Degree Testing in the Noncommutative Setting: Global Noncommutative Geometry Seminar (February 12, 2021). [Slides] [Video]
Quantum Garbled Circuits: QuSoft Seminar (April 30, 2021), Ben-Gurion University CS Seminar (April 21, 2021), UC Berkeley Crypto Seminar (January 18, 2021), Workshop on Quantum Information, Computation, and Foundations (September 14, 2020). [Slides]
A Tale of Turing Machines, Quantum-Entangled Particles, and Operator Algebras: Goldman Sachs R&D Seminar Series (May 27, 2021), USC CS Theory Lunch (April 16, 2021), Canada Quantum Days Keynote (January 14, 2021), Machine Learning in Science and Engineering (December 14, 2020), Richard M. Karp Distinguished Lecture (April 20, 2020), UofT Computer Science Distinguished Lecture Series (April 16, 2020)
MIP* = RE: Canadian Operator Symposium (May 25, 2020), Perimeter Institute Seminar (May 13, 2020), U. Ottawa CRM Distinguished Speaker Colloquium (April 24, 2020), UT Austin Math Seminar (April 10, 2020), IAS Seminar (February 3, 2020), Fields Institute Set Theory Seminar (January 24, 2020) [Slides]
Multiprover Protocols: Simons Institute Quantum Wave in Computing Bootcamp. [Part I], [Part II]
Perfect zero knowledge for quantum multiprover interactive proofs: QIP 2020. [Slides]