Game Log: John Cena vs Joe Bot ====================================== Game 35: Team |0> is John Cena Team |1> is Joe Bot ====================================== Team |0> added Z to their hand (1/20) Team |1> added R to their hand (1/20) Team |0> added X to their hand (2/20) Team |1> added H to their hand (2/20) Team |0> added R to their hand (3/20) Team |1> added H to their hand (3/20) Team |0> added H to their hand (4/20) Team |1> added H to their hand (4/20) Team |0> added R to their hand (5/20) Team |1> added X to their hand (5/20) ====================================== Round 0. State: [0.707,0.707] Team |1> plays H Round 1. State: [1.000,0.031] Team |1> plays H Team |1> added M to their hand (6/20) Round 2. State: [0.707,0.707] Team |1> added Z to their hand (7/20) Round 3. State: [0.685,0.729] Round 4. State: [0.661,0.750] Round 5. State: [0.637,0.771] Round 6. State: [0.613,0.790] Round 7. State: [0.588,0.809] Round 8. State: [0.562,0.827] Round 9. State: [0.536,0.844] Round 10. State: [0.509,0.861] Round 11. State: [0.482,0.876] Round 12. State: [0.454,0.891] Round 13. State: [0.426,0.905] Round 14. State: [0.397,0.918] Round 15. State: [0.368,0.930] Round 16. State: [0.339,0.941] Round 17. State: [0.309,0.951] Round 18. State: [0.279,0.960] Round 19. State: [0.249,0.969] Round 20. State: [0.218,0.976] Round 21. State: [0.187,0.982] Round 22. State: [0.156,0.988] Round 23. State: [0.125,0.992] Round 24. State: [0.094,0.996] Round 25. State: [0.063,0.998] Round 26. State: [0.031,1.000] Round 27. State: [0.000,1.000] Round 28. State: [-0.031,1.000] Round 29. State: [-0.063,0.998] Round 30. State: [-0.094,0.996] Round 31. State: [-0.125,0.992] Round 32. State: [-0.156,0.988] Round 33. State: [-0.187,0.982] Round 34. State: [-0.218,0.976] Round 35. State: [-0.249,0.969] Round 36. State: [-0.279,0.960] Round 37. State: [-0.309,0.951] Round 38. State: [-0.339,0.941] Round 39. State: [-0.368,0.930] Round 40. State: [-0.397,0.918] Round 41. State: [-0.426,0.905] Round 42. State: [-0.454,0.891] Round 43. State: [-0.482,0.876] Round 44. State: [-0.509,0.861] Round 45. State: [-0.536,0.844] Round 46. State: [-0.562,0.827] Round 47. State: [-0.588,0.809] Round 48. State: [-0.613,0.790] Round 49. State: [-0.637,0.771] Round 50. State: [-0.661,0.750] Round 51. State: [-0.685,0.729] Round 52. State: [-0.707,0.707] Round 53. State: [-0.729,0.685] Round 54. State: [-0.750,0.661] Round 55. State: [-0.771,0.637] Round 56. State: [-0.790,0.613] Round 57. State: [-0.809,0.588] Round 58. State: [-0.827,0.562] Round 59. State: [-0.844,0.536] Round 60. State: [-0.861,0.509] Round 61. State: [-0.876,0.482] Round 62. State: [-0.891,0.454] Round 63. State: [-0.905,0.426] Round 64. State: [-0.918,0.397] Round 65. State: [-0.930,0.368] Round 66. State: [-0.941,0.339] Round 67. State: [-0.951,0.309] Round 68. State: [-0.960,0.279] Round 69. State: [-0.969,0.249] Round 70. State: [-0.976,0.218] Round 71. State: [-0.982,0.187] Round 72. State: [-0.988,0.156] Round 73. State: [-0.992,0.125] Round 74. State: [-0.996,0.094] Round 75. State: [-0.998,0.063] Round 76. State: [-1.000,0.031] Round 77. State: [-1.000,0.000] Round 78. State: [-1.000,-0.031] Round 79. State: [-0.998,-0.063] Round 80. State: [-0.996,-0.094] Round 81. State: [-0.992,-0.125] Round 82. State: [-0.988,-0.156] Round 83. State: [-0.982,-0.187] Round 84. State: [-0.976,-0.218] Round 85. State: [-0.969,-0.249] Round 86. State: [-0.960,-0.279] Round 87. State: [-0.951,-0.309] Round 88. State: [-0.941,-0.339] Round 89. State: [-0.930,-0.368] Team |0> plays R Round 90. State: [-0.941,-0.339] Team |0> plays R Round 91. State: [-0.930,-0.368] Round 92. State: [-0.918,-0.397] Round 93. State: [-0.905,-0.426] Round 94. State: [-0.891,-0.454] Round 95. State: [-0.876,-0.482] Team |0> added H to their hand (6/20) Round 96. State: [-0.861,-0.509] Team |0> plays H Round 97. State: [-0.960,-0.279] Round 98. State: [-0.951,-0.309] Team |1> plays M State collapsed to [0, 1] Round 99. State: [-0.031,1.000] Team |0> plays X Team |1> plays Z Team |1> added X to their hand (8/20) --------Entering Overtime for 10 extra rounds, and Team |0> goes last-------- Round 100. State: [0.998,0.063] Team |0> plays Z Round 101. State: [1.000,-0.031] Round 102. State: [1.000,0.000] Round 103. State: [1.000,0.031] Round 104. State: [0.998,0.063] Round 105. State: [0.996,0.094] Round 106. State: [0.992,0.125] Round 107. State: [0.988,0.156] Round 108. State: [0.982,0.187] Round 109. State: [0.976,0.218] State collapsed to [1, 0] Team |0>, John Cena, wins! Game 92: Team |0> is John Cena Team |1> is Joe Bot ====================================== Team |0> added Z to their hand (1/20) Team |1> added H to their hand (1/20) Team |0> added H to their hand (2/20) Team |1> added X to their hand (2/20) Team |0> added R to their hand (3/20) Team |1> added H to their hand (3/20) Team |0> added H to their hand (4/20) Team |1> added M to their hand (4/20) Team |0> added R to their hand (5/20) Team |1> added X to their hand (5/20) ====================================== Round 0. State: [0.707,0.707] Team |1> plays X Round 1. State: [0.685,0.729] Team |1> plays H Round 2. State: [1.000,0.000] Round 3. State: [1.000,0.031] Round 4. State: [0.998,0.063] Round 5. State: [0.996,0.094] Team |1> added X to their hand (6/20) Round 6. State: [0.992,0.125] Team |1> plays X Team |1> added X to their hand (7/20) Round 7. State: [0.094,0.996] Team |1> plays X Round 8. State: [0.992,0.125] Round 9. State: [0.988,0.156] Round 10. State: [0.982,0.187] Team |1> added R to their hand (8/20) Round 11. State: [0.976,0.218] Round 12. State: [0.969,0.249] Round 13. State: [0.960,0.279] Round 14. State: [0.951,0.309] Team |1> added X to their hand (9/20) Round 15. State: [0.941,0.339] Team |1> plays X Round 16. State: [0.309,0.951] Round 17. State: [0.279,0.960] Round 18. State: [0.249,0.969] Team |1> added Z to their hand (10/20) Round 19. State: [0.218,0.976] Round 20. State: [0.187,0.982] Round 21. State: [0.156,0.988] Round 22. State: [0.125,0.992] Round 23. State: [0.094,0.996] Round 24. State: [0.063,0.998] Round 25. State: [0.031,1.000] Round 26. State: [0.000,1.000] Round 27. State: [-0.031,1.000] Round 28. State: [-0.063,0.998] Round 29. State: [-0.094,0.996] Round 30. State: [-0.125,0.992] Round 31. State: [-0.156,0.988] Round 32. State: [-0.187,0.982] Round 33. State: [-0.218,0.976] Round 34. State: [-0.249,0.969] Round 35. State: [-0.279,0.960] Round 36. State: [-0.309,0.951] Round 37. State: [-0.339,0.941] Round 38. State: [-0.368,0.930] Round 39. State: [-0.397,0.918] Round 40. State: [-0.426,0.905] Round 41. State: [-0.454,0.891] Round 42. State: [-0.482,0.876] Round 43. State: [-0.509,0.861] Round 44. State: [-0.536,0.844] Round 45. State: [-0.562,0.827] Round 46. State: [-0.588,0.809] Round 47. State: [-0.613,0.790] Round 48. State: [-0.637,0.771] Round 49. State: [-0.661,0.750] Round 50. State: [-0.685,0.729] Round 51. State: [-0.707,0.707] Round 52. State: [-0.729,0.685] Round 53. State: [-0.750,0.661] Round 54. State: [-0.771,0.637] Round 55. State: [-0.790,0.613] Round 56. State: [-0.809,0.588] Round 57. State: [-0.827,0.562] Round 58. State: [-0.844,0.536] Round 59. State: [-0.861,0.509] Round 60. State: [-0.876,0.482] Round 61. State: [-0.891,0.454] Round 62. State: [-0.905,0.426] Round 63. State: [-0.918,0.397] Round 64. State: [-0.930,0.368] Round 65. State: [-0.941,0.339] Round 66. State: [-0.951,0.309] Round 67. State: [-0.960,0.279] Round 68. State: [-0.969,0.249] Round 69. State: [-0.976,0.218] Round 70. State: [-0.982,0.187] Round 71. State: [-0.988,0.156] Round 72. State: [-0.992,0.125] Round 73. State: [-0.996,0.094] Round 74. State: [-0.998,0.063] Round 75. State: [-1.000,0.031] Round 76. State: [-1.000,0.000] Round 77. State: [-1.000,-0.031] Round 78. State: [-0.998,-0.063] Round 79. State: [-0.996,-0.094] Round 80. State: [-0.992,-0.125] Round 81. State: [-0.988,-0.156] Round 82. State: [-0.982,-0.187] Round 83. State: [-0.976,-0.218] Round 84. State: [-0.969,-0.249] Round 85. State: [-0.960,-0.279] Round 86. State: [-0.951,-0.309] Round 87. State: [-0.941,-0.339] Round 88. State: [-0.930,-0.368] Round 89. State: [-0.918,-0.397] Team |0> plays R Round 90. State: [-0.930,-0.368] Team |0> plays R Round 91. State: [-0.918,-0.397] Team |0> plays H Round 92. State: [-0.918,-0.397] Round 93. State: [-0.905,-0.426] Round 94. State: [-0.891,-0.454] Team |0> added X to their hand (6/20) Round 95. State: [-0.876,-0.482] Team |0> added Z to their hand (7/20) Round 96. State: [-0.861,-0.509] Team |0> plays Z Team |0> added R to their hand (8/20) Round 97. State: [-0.876,0.482] Team |0> plays R Team |0> added X to their hand (9/20) Round 98. State: [-0.861,0.509] Team |1> plays M State collapsed to [1, 0] Round 99. State: [1.000,-0.031] Team |1> plays H --------Entering Overtime for 4 extra rounds, and Team |1> goes last-------- Round 100. State: [0.707,0.707] Team |0> plays Z Round 101. State: [0.685,-0.729] Team |0> plays H Round 102. State: [0.000,1.000] Team |0> plays X Round 103. State: [1.000,-0.031] State collapsed to [1, 0] Team |0>, John Cena, wins! Game 167: Team |0> is John Cena Team |1> is Joe Bot ====================================== Team |0> added H to their hand (1/20) Team |1> added X to their hand (1/20) Team |0> added H to their hand (2/20) Team |1> added X to their hand (2/20) Team |0> added R to their hand (3/20) Team |1> added X to their hand (3/20) Team |0> added H to their hand (4/20) Team |1> added Z to their hand (4/20) Team |0> added H to their hand (5/20) Team |1> added Z to their hand (5/20) ====================================== Round 0. State: [0.707,0.707] Team |1> plays X Round 1. State: [0.685,0.729] Team |1> plays X Round 2. State: [0.707,0.707] Team |1> plays Z Round 3. State: [0.729,-0.685] Round 4. State: [0.750,-0.661] Team |1> added Z to their hand (6/20) Round 5. State: [0.771,-0.637] Team |1> plays Z Round 6. State: [0.750,0.661] Round 7. State: [0.729,0.685] Round 8. State: [0.707,0.707] Round 9. State: [0.685,0.729] Round 10. State: [0.661,0.750] Round 11. State: [0.637,0.771] Team |1> added X to their hand (7/20) Round 12. State: [0.613,0.790] Team |1> plays X Team |1> added M to their hand (8/20) Round 13. State: [0.771,0.637] Team |1> added H to their hand (9/20) Round 14. State: [0.750,0.661] Round 15. State: [0.729,0.685] Round 16. State: [0.707,0.707] Round 17. State: [0.685,0.729] Team |1> added R to their hand (10/20) Round 18. State: [0.661,0.750] Round 19. State: [0.637,0.771] Round 20. State: [0.613,0.790] Round 21. State: [0.588,0.809] Round 22. State: [0.562,0.827] Round 23. State: [0.536,0.844] Round 24. State: [0.509,0.861] Round 25. State: [0.482,0.876] Round 26. State: [0.454,0.891] Round 27. State: [0.426,0.905] Round 28. State: [0.397,0.918] Round 29. State: [0.368,0.930] Round 30. State: [0.339,0.941] Round 31. State: [0.309,0.951] Round 32. State: [0.279,0.960] Round 33. State: [0.249,0.969] Round 34. State: [0.218,0.976] Round 35. State: [0.187,0.982] Round 36. State: [0.156,0.988] Round 37. State: [0.125,0.992] Round 38. State: [0.094,0.996] Round 39. State: [0.063,0.998] Round 40. State: [0.031,1.000] Round 41. State: [0.000,1.000] Round 42. State: [-0.031,1.000] Round 43. State: [-0.063,0.998] Round 44. State: [-0.094,0.996] Round 45. State: [-0.125,0.992] Round 46. State: [-0.156,0.988] Round 47. State: [-0.187,0.982] Round 48. State: [-0.218,0.976] Round 49. State: [-0.249,0.969] Round 50. State: [-0.279,0.960] Round 51. State: [-0.309,0.951] Round 52. State: [-0.339,0.941] Round 53. State: [-0.368,0.930] Round 54. State: [-0.397,0.918] Round 55. State: [-0.426,0.905] Round 56. State: [-0.454,0.891] Round 57. State: [-0.482,0.876] Round 58. State: [-0.509,0.861] Round 59. State: [-0.536,0.844] Round 60. State: [-0.562,0.827] Round 61. State: [-0.588,0.809] Round 62. State: [-0.613,0.790] Round 63. State: [-0.637,0.771] Round 64. State: [-0.661,0.750] Round 65. State: [-0.685,0.729] Round 66. State: [-0.707,0.707] Round 67. State: [-0.729,0.685] Round 68. State: [-0.750,0.661] Round 69. State: [-0.771,0.637] Round 70. State: [-0.790,0.613] Round 71. State: [-0.809,0.588] Round 72. State: [-0.827,0.562] Round 73. State: [-0.844,0.536] Round 74. State: [-0.861,0.509] Round 75. State: [-0.876,0.482] Round 76. State: [-0.891,0.454] Round 77. State: [-0.905,0.426] Round 78. State: [-0.918,0.397] Round 79. State: [-0.930,0.368] Round 80. State: [-0.941,0.339] Round 81. State: [-0.951,0.309] Round 82. State: [-0.960,0.279] Round 83. State: [-0.969,0.249] Round 84. State: [-0.976,0.218] Round 85. State: [-0.982,0.187] Round 86. State: [-0.988,0.156] Round 87. State: [-0.992,0.125] Round 88. State: [-0.996,0.094] Round 89. State: [-0.998,0.063] Team |0> plays R Round 90. State: [-0.996,0.094] Team |0> plays H Round 91. State: [-0.661,-0.750] Team |0> plays H Round 92. State: [-0.996,0.094] Team |0> plays H Round 93. State: [-0.661,-0.750] Round 94. State: [-0.685,-0.729] Round 95. State: [-0.707,-0.707] Round 96. State: [-0.729,-0.685] Round 97. State: [-0.750,-0.661] Round 98. State: [-0.771,-0.637] Team |1> plays M State collapsed to [1, 0] Round 99. State: [1.000,-0.031] Team |1> plays H Team |0> added R to their hand (6/20) --------Entering Overtime for 4 extra rounds, and Team |0> goes last-------- Round 100. State: [0.707,0.707] Team |0> plays R Round 101. State: [0.685,0.729] Round 102. State: [0.661,0.750] Round 103. State: [0.637,0.771] State collapsed to [0, 1] Team |1>, Joe Bot, wins! Game 201: Team |0> is John Cena Team |1> is Joe Bot ====================================== Team |0> added X to their hand (1/20) Team |1> added R to their hand (1/20) Team |0> added X to their hand (2/20) Team |1> added H to their hand (2/20) Team |0> added Z to their hand (3/20) Team |1> added Z to their hand (3/20) Team |0> added Z to their hand (4/20) Team |1> added R to their hand (4/20) Team |0> added X to their hand (5/20) Team |1> added X to their hand (5/20) ====================================== Round 0. State: [0.707,0.707] Team |1> plays R Round 1. State: [0.729,0.685] Round 2. State: [0.750,0.661] Round 3. State: [0.771,0.637] Round 4. State: [0.790,0.613] Team |1> added R to their hand (6/20) Round 5. State: [0.809,0.588] Team |1> plays R Round 6. State: [0.790,0.613] Round 7. State: [0.771,0.637] Round 8. State: [0.750,0.661] Round 9. State: [0.729,0.685] Round 10. State: [0.707,0.707] Team |1> added X to their hand (7/20) Round 11. State: [0.685,0.729] Team |1> plays X Round 12. State: [0.707,0.707] Round 13. State: [0.685,0.729] Round 14. State: [0.661,0.750] Team |1> added R to their hand (8/20) Round 15. State: [0.637,0.771] Team |1> plays R Round 16. State: [0.661,0.750] Team |1> added H to their hand (9/20) Round 17. State: [0.685,0.729] Team |1> plays H Round 18. State: [0.998,-0.063] Round 19. State: [0.996,-0.094] Round 20. State: [0.992,-0.125] Round 21. State: [0.988,-0.156] Round 22. State: [0.982,-0.187] Round 23. State: [0.976,-0.218] Round 24. State: [0.969,-0.249] Round 25. State: [0.960,-0.279] Team |1> added H to their hand (10/20) Round 26. State: [0.951,-0.309] Team |1> plays H Team |1> added R to their hand (11/20) Round 27. State: [0.482,0.876] Team |1> plays R Round 28. State: [0.454,0.891] Round 29. State: [0.426,0.905] Team |1> added R to their hand (12/20) Round 30. State: [0.397,0.918] Team |1> plays R Round 31. State: [0.426,0.905] Round 32. State: [0.454,0.891] Round 33. State: [0.482,0.876] Round 34. State: [0.509,0.861] Team |1> added R to their hand (13/20) Round 35. State: [0.536,0.844] Team |1> plays R Team |1> added H to their hand (14/20) Round 36. State: [0.509,0.861] Team |1> plays H Round 37. State: [0.976,-0.218] Round 38. State: [0.982,-0.187] Round 39. State: [0.988,-0.156] Round 40. State: [0.992,-0.125] Round 41. State: [0.996,-0.094] Round 42. State: [0.998,-0.063] Round 43. State: [1.000,-0.031] Round 44. State: [1.000,-0.000] Round 45. State: [1.000,0.031] Round 46. State: [0.998,0.063] Round 47. State: [0.996,0.094] Round 48. State: [0.992,0.125] Team |1> added H to their hand (15/20) Round 49. State: [0.988,0.156] Team |1> plays H Round 50. State: [0.790,0.613] Team |1> added H to their hand (16/20) Round 51. State: [0.771,0.637] Team |1> plays H Round 52. State: [0.992,0.125] Round 53. State: [0.988,0.156] Round 54. State: [0.982,0.187] Team |1> added H to their hand (17/20) Round 55. State: [0.976,0.218] Team |1> plays H Team |1> added H to their hand (18/20) Round 56. State: [0.827,0.562] Team |1> plays H Round 57. State: [0.976,0.218] Team |1> added M to their hand (19/20) Round 58. State: [0.969,0.249] Round 59. State: [0.960,0.279] Round 60. State: [0.951,0.309] Round 61. State: [0.941,0.339] Round 62. State: [0.930,0.368] Round 63. State: [0.918,0.397] Round 64. State: [0.905,0.426] Round 65. State: [0.891,0.454] Round 66. State: [0.876,0.482] Round 67. State: [0.861,0.509] Round 68. State: [0.844,0.536] Round 69. State: [0.827,0.562] Round 70. State: [0.809,0.588] Round 71. State: [0.790,0.613] Round 72. State: [0.771,0.637] Round 73. State: [0.750,0.661] Round 74. State: [0.729,0.685] Round 75. State: [0.707,0.707] Round 76. State: [0.685,0.729] Round 77. State: [0.661,0.750] Round 78. State: [0.637,0.771] Round 79. State: [0.613,0.790] Round 80. State: [0.588,0.809] Round 81. State: [0.562,0.827] Round 82. State: [0.536,0.844] Round 83. State: [0.509,0.861] Round 84. State: [0.482,0.876] Round 85. State: [0.454,0.891] Round 86. State: [0.426,0.905] Round 87. State: [0.397,0.918] Round 88. State: [0.368,0.930] Round 89. State: [0.339,0.941] Team |0> plays Z Round 90. State: [0.368,-0.930] Round 91. State: [0.397,-0.918] Round 92. State: [0.426,-0.905] Round 93. State: [0.454,-0.891] Team |0> added H to their hand (6/20) Round 94. State: [0.482,-0.876] Round 95. State: [0.509,-0.861] Round 96. State: [0.536,-0.844] Round 97. State: [0.562,-0.827] Round 98. State: [0.588,-0.809] Team |1> plays M State collapsed to [1, 0] Team |1> added H to their hand (20/20) Round 99. State: [1.000,0.031] Team |0> plays Z Team |1> plays H --------Entering Overtime for 0 extra rounds, and Team |1> goes last-------- State collapsed to [1, 0] Team |0>, John Cena, wins! Game 320: Team |0> is John Cena Team |1> is Joe Bot ====================================== Team |0> added R to their hand (1/20) Team |1> added R to their hand (1/20) Team |0> added R to their hand (2/20) Team |1> added X to their hand (2/20) Team |0> added M to their hand (3/20) Team |1> added Z to their hand (3/20) Team |0> added R to their hand (4/20) Team |1> added H to their hand (4/20) Team |0> added Z to their hand (5/20) Team |1> added H to their hand (5/20) ====================================== Round 0. State: [0.707,0.707] Team |1> plays H Round 1. State: [1.000,0.031] Team |1> added X to their hand (6/20) Round 2. State: [0.998,0.063] Team |1> plays X Round 3. State: [0.031,1.000] Team |1> added Z to their hand (7/20) Round 4. State: [0.000,1.000] Team |1> plays Z Round 5. State: [0.031,-1.000] Round 6. State: [0.063,-0.998] Team |1> added R to their hand (8/20) Round 7. State: [0.094,-0.996] Team |1> plays R Team |1> added H to their hand (9/20) Round 8. State: [0.063,-0.998] Team |1> plays H Round 9. State: [-0.637,0.771] Round 10. State: [-0.613,0.790] Team |1> added Z to their hand (10/20) Round 11. State: [-0.588,0.809] Team |1> plays Z Round 12. State: [-0.613,-0.790] Round 13. State: [-0.637,-0.771] Round 14. State: [-0.661,-0.750] Team |1> added Z to their hand (11/20) Round 15. State: [-0.685,-0.729] Team |1> plays Z Team |1> added X to their hand (12/20) Round 16. State: [-0.661,0.750] Team |1> plays X Team |1> added H to their hand (13/20) Round 17. State: [0.729,-0.685] Team |1> plays H Round 18. State: [0.063,0.998] Round 19. State: [0.094,0.996] Round 20. State: [0.125,0.992] Round 21. State: [0.156,0.988] Round 22. State: [0.187,0.982] Round 23. State: [0.218,0.976] Round 24. State: [0.249,0.969] Team |1> added X to their hand (14/20) Round 25. State: [0.279,0.960] Team |1> plays X Round 26. State: [0.969,0.249] Round 27. State: [0.976,0.218] Round 28. State: [0.982,0.187] Round 29. State: [0.988,0.156] Round 30. State: [0.992,0.125] Round 31. State: [0.996,0.094] Round 32. State: [0.998,0.063] Team |1> added R to their hand (15/20) Round 33. State: [1.000,0.031] Team |1> plays R Round 34. State: [0.998,0.063] Round 35. State: [0.996,0.094] Team |1> added H to their hand (16/20) Round 36. State: [0.992,0.125] Team |1> plays H Round 37. State: [0.771,0.637] Round 38. State: [0.750,0.661] Round 39. State: [0.729,0.685] Round 40. State: [0.707,0.707] Round 41. State: [0.685,0.729] Round 42. State: [0.661,0.750] Round 43. State: [0.637,0.771] Round 44. State: [0.613,0.790] Round 45. State: [0.588,0.809] Round 46. State: [0.562,0.827] Round 47. State: [0.536,0.844] Team |1> added H to their hand (17/20) Round 48. State: [0.509,0.861] Team |1> plays H Round 49. State: [0.976,-0.218] Round 50. State: [0.982,-0.187] Round 51. State: [0.988,-0.156] Round 52. State: [0.992,-0.125] Round 53. State: [0.996,-0.094] Round 54. State: [0.998,-0.063] Team |1> added R to their hand (18/20) Round 55. State: [1.000,-0.031] Team |1> plays R Round 56. State: [0.998,-0.063] Round 57. State: [0.996,-0.094] Round 58. State: [0.992,-0.125] Round 59. State: [0.988,-0.156] Round 60. State: [0.982,-0.187] Round 61. State: [0.976,-0.218] Round 62. State: [0.969,-0.249] Team |1> added X to their hand (19/20) Round 63. State: [0.960,-0.279] Team |1> plays X Round 64. State: [-0.249,0.969] Round 65. State: [-0.218,0.976] Team |1> added H to their hand (20/20) Round 66. State: [-0.187,0.982] Team |1> plays H Round 67. State: [0.536,-0.844] Round 68. State: [0.509,-0.861] Round 69. State: [0.482,-0.876] Round 70. State: [0.454,-0.891] Round 71. State: [0.426,-0.905] Round 72. State: [0.397,-0.918] Round 73. State: [0.368,-0.930] Round 74. State: [0.339,-0.941] Round 75. State: [0.309,-0.951] Round 76. State: [0.279,-0.960] Round 77. State: [0.249,-0.969] Round 78. State: [0.218,-0.976] Round 79. State: [0.187,-0.982] Round 80. State: [0.156,-0.988] Round 81. State: [0.125,-0.992] Round 82. State: [0.094,-0.996] Round 83. State: [0.063,-0.998] Round 84. State: [0.031,-1.000] Round 85. State: [0.000,-1.000] Round 86. State: [-0.031,-1.000] Round 87. State: [-0.063,-0.998] Round 88. State: [-0.094,-0.996] Round 89. State: [-0.125,-0.992] Team |0> plays R Round 90. State: [-0.094,-0.996] Team |0> plays R Round 91. State: [-0.125,-0.992] Team |0> plays R Round 92. State: [-0.094,-0.996] Team |0> plays M State collapsed to [0, 1] Round 93. State: [-0.031,1.000] Team |0> added Z to their hand (6/20) Round 94. State: [-0.063,0.998] Team |0> plays Z Round 95. State: [-0.031,-1.000] Round 96. State: [0.000,-1.000] Round 97. State: [0.031,-1.000] Round 98. State: [0.063,-0.998] Team |1> plays X Round 99. State: [-1.000,0.031] Team |1> plays Z --------Entering Overtime for 5 extra rounds, and Team |0> goes last-------- Round 100. State: [-0.998,-0.063] Team |0> plays Z Round 101. State: [-1.000,0.031] Round 102. State: [-1.000,0.000] Round 103. State: [-1.000,-0.031] Round 104. State: [-0.998,-0.063] State collapsed to [1, 0] Team |0>, John Cena, wins! Game 454 Team |0> is Joe Bot Team |1> is John Cena ====================================== Team |0> added Z to their hand (1/20) Team |1> added Z to their hand (1/20) Team |0> added R to their hand (2/20) Team |1> added Z to their hand (2/20) Team |0> added R to their hand (3/20) Team |1> added H to their hand (3/20) Team |0> added Z to their hand (4/20) Team |1> added H to their hand (4/20) Team |0> added X to their hand (5/20) Team |1> added H to their hand (5/20) ====================================== Round 0. State: [0.707,0.707] Team |0> plays Z Round 1. State: [0.729,-0.685] Team |0> plays R Round 2. State: [0.707,-0.707] Round 3. State: [0.685,-0.729] Round 4. State: [0.661,-0.750] Team |0> added R to their hand (6/20) Round 5. State: [0.637,-0.771] Team |0> plays R Team |0> added H to their hand (7/20) Round 6. State: [0.661,-0.750] Round 7. State: [0.685,-0.729] Round 8. State: [0.707,-0.707] Round 9. State: [0.729,-0.685] Round 10. State: [0.750,-0.661] Round 11. State: [0.771,-0.637] Round 12. State: [0.790,-0.613] Round 13. State: [0.809,-0.588] Round 14. State: [0.827,-0.562] Team |0> added M to their hand (8/20) Round 15. State: [0.844,-0.536] Round 16. State: [0.861,-0.509] Round 17. State: [0.876,-0.482] Round 18. State: [0.891,-0.454] Round 19. State: [0.905,-0.426] Round 20. State: [0.918,-0.397] Round 21. State: [0.930,-0.368] Round 22. State: [0.941,-0.339] Round 23. State: [0.951,-0.309] Round 24. State: [0.960,-0.279] Round 25. State: [0.969,-0.249] Round 26. State: [0.976,-0.218] Round 27. State: [0.982,-0.187] Round 28. State: [0.988,-0.156] Round 29. State: [0.992,-0.125] Round 30. State: [0.996,-0.094] Round 31. State: [0.998,-0.063] Round 32. State: [1.000,-0.031] Round 33. State: [1.000,0.000] Round 34. State: [1.000,0.031] Round 35. State: [0.998,0.063] Round 36. State: [0.996,0.094] Round 37. State: [0.992,0.125] Round 38. State: [0.988,0.156] Round 39. State: [0.982,0.187] Round 40. State: [0.976,0.218] Round 41. State: [0.969,0.249] Round 42. State: [0.960,0.279] Round 43. State: [0.951,0.309] Round 44. State: [0.941,0.339] Round 45. State: [0.930,0.368] Round 46. State: [0.918,0.397] Round 47. State: [0.905,0.426] Round 48. State: [0.891,0.454] Round 49. State: [0.876,0.482] Round 50. State: [0.861,0.509] Round 51. State: [0.844,0.536] Round 52. State: [0.827,0.562] Round 53. State: [0.809,0.588] Round 54. State: [0.790,0.613] Round 55. State: [0.771,0.637] Round 56. State: [0.750,0.661] Round 57. State: [0.729,0.685] Round 58. State: [0.707,0.707] Round 59. State: [0.685,0.729] Round 60. State: [0.661,0.750] Round 61. State: [0.637,0.771] Round 62. State: [0.613,0.790] Round 63. State: [0.588,0.809] Round 64. State: [0.562,0.827] Round 65. State: [0.536,0.844] Round 66. State: [0.509,0.861] Round 67. State: [0.482,0.876] Round 68. State: [0.454,0.891] Round 69. State: [0.426,0.905] Round 70. State: [0.397,0.918] Round 71. State: [0.368,0.930] Round 72. State: [0.339,0.941] Round 73. State: [0.309,0.951] Round 74. State: [0.279,0.960] Round 75. State: [0.249,0.969] Round 76. State: [0.218,0.976] Round 77. State: [0.187,0.982] Round 78. State: [0.156,0.988] Round 79. State: [0.125,0.992] Round 80. State: [0.094,0.996] Round 81. State: [0.063,0.998] Round 82. State: [0.031,1.000] Round 83. State: [-0.000,1.000] Round 84. State: [-0.031,1.000] Round 85. State: [-0.063,0.998] Round 86. State: [-0.094,0.996] Round 87. State: [-0.125,0.992] Round 88. State: [-0.156,0.988] Round 89. State: [-0.187,0.982] Team |1> plays Z Round 90. State: [-0.156,-0.988] Team |1> plays H Round 91. State: [-0.827,0.562] Team |1> plays H Round 92. State: [-0.156,-0.988] Round 93. State: [-0.125,-0.992] Round 94. State: [-0.094,-0.996] Round 95. State: [-0.063,-0.998] Round 96. State: [-0.031,-1.000] Round 97. State: [-0.000,-1.000] Round 98. State: [0.031,-1.000] Team |0> plays M State collapsed to [0, 1] Team |0> added Z to their hand (9/20) Round 99. State: [-0.031,1.000] Team |1> plays Z --------Entering Overtime for 2 extra rounds, and Team |0> goes last-------- Round 100. State: [0.000,-1.000] Round 101. State: [0.031,-1.000] State collapsed to [0, 1] Team |1>, John Cena, wins! Game 511 Team |0> is Joe Bot Team |1> is John Cena ====================================== Team |0> added Z to their hand (1/20) Team |1> added X to their hand (1/20) Team |0> added R to their hand (2/20) Team |1> added M to their hand (2/20) Team |0> added H to their hand (3/20) Team |1> added M to their hand (3/20) Team |0> added H to their hand (4/20) Team |1> added Z to their hand (4/20) Team |0> added R to their hand (5/20) Team |1> added X to their hand (5/20) ====================================== Round 0. State: [0.707,0.707] Team |0> plays H Round 1. State: [1.000,0.031] Team |0> plays R Round 2. State: [1.000,0.000] Round 3. State: [1.000,-0.031] Round 4. State: [0.998,-0.063] Team |0> added M to their hand (6/20) Round 5. State: [0.996,-0.094] Round 6. State: [0.992,-0.125] Round 7. State: [0.988,-0.156] Round 8. State: [0.982,-0.187] Round 9. State: [0.976,-0.218] Team |0> added Z to their hand (7/20) Round 10. State: [0.969,-0.249] Team |0> plays Z Round 11. State: [0.976,0.218] Round 12. State: [0.982,0.187] Round 13. State: [0.988,0.156] Team |0> added H to their hand (8/20) Round 14. State: [0.992,0.125] Team |0> plays H Round 15. State: [0.809,0.588] Round 16. State: [0.827,0.562] Round 17. State: [0.844,0.536] Round 18. State: [0.861,0.509] Round 19. State: [0.876,0.482] Round 20. State: [0.891,0.454] Round 21. State: [0.905,0.426] Round 22. State: [0.918,0.397] Round 23. State: [0.930,0.368] Round 24. State: [0.941,0.339] Round 25. State: [0.951,0.309] Team |0> added R to their hand (9/20) Round 26. State: [0.960,0.279] Team |0> plays R Round 27. State: [0.951,0.309] Round 28. State: [0.941,0.339] Round 29. State: [0.930,0.368] Team |0> added X to their hand (10/20) Round 30. State: [0.918,0.397] Round 31. State: [0.905,0.426] Round 32. State: [0.891,0.454] Round 33. State: [0.876,0.482] Round 34. State: [0.861,0.509] Round 35. State: [0.844,0.536] Round 36. State: [0.827,0.562] Round 37. State: [0.809,0.588] Round 38. State: [0.790,0.613] Round 39. State: [0.771,0.637] Round 40. State: [0.750,0.661] Round 41. State: [0.729,0.685] Round 42. State: [0.707,0.707] Round 43. State: [0.685,0.729] Round 44. State: [0.661,0.750] Round 45. State: [0.637,0.771] Round 46. State: [0.613,0.790] Round 47. State: [0.588,0.809] Round 48. State: [0.562,0.827] Round 49. State: [0.536,0.844] Round 50. State: [0.509,0.861] Round 51. State: [0.482,0.876] Round 52. State: [0.454,0.891] Round 53. State: [0.426,0.905] Round 54. State: [0.397,0.918] Round 55. State: [0.368,0.930] Round 56. State: [0.339,0.941] Round 57. State: [0.309,0.951] Round 58. State: [0.279,0.960] Round 59. State: [0.249,0.969] Round 60. State: [0.218,0.976] Round 61. State: [0.187,0.982] Round 62. State: [0.156,0.988] Round 63. State: [0.125,0.992] Round 64. State: [0.094,0.996] Round 65. State: [0.063,0.998] Round 66. State: [0.031,1.000] Round 67. State: [0.000,1.000] Round 68. State: [-0.031,1.000] Round 69. State: [-0.063,0.998] Round 70. State: [-0.094,0.996] Round 71. State: [-0.125,0.992] Round 72. State: [-0.156,0.988] Round 73. State: [-0.187,0.982] Round 74. State: [-0.218,0.976] Round 75. State: [-0.249,0.969] Round 76. State: [-0.279,0.960] Round 77. State: [-0.309,0.951] Round 78. State: [-0.339,0.941] Round 79. State: [-0.368,0.930] Round 80. State: [-0.397,0.918] Round 81. State: [-0.426,0.905] Round 82. State: [-0.454,0.891] Round 83. State: [-0.482,0.876] Round 84. State: [-0.509,0.861] Round 85. State: [-0.536,0.844] Round 86. State: [-0.562,0.827] Round 87. State: [-0.588,0.809] Round 88. State: [-0.613,0.790] Round 89. State: [-0.637,0.771] Team |1> plays M State collapsed to [0, 1] Team |1> added R to their hand (6/20) Round 90. State: [-0.031,1.000] Team |1> plays R Round 91. State: [0.000,1.000] Team |1> plays M State collapsed to [0, 1] Round 92. State: [0.031,1.000] Round 93. State: [0.063,0.998] Round 94. State: [0.094,0.996] Round 95. State: [0.125,0.992] Round 96. State: [0.156,0.988] Round 97. State: [0.187,0.982] Team |1> added X to their hand (7/20) Round 98. State: [0.218,0.976] Team |0> plays M State collapsed to [0, 1] Round 99. State: [0.031,1.000] --------Entering Overtime for 3 extra rounds, and Team |1> goes last-------- Round 100. State: [0.063,0.998] Round 101. State: [0.094,0.996] Round 102. State: [0.125,0.992] State collapsed to [0, 1] Team |1>, John Cena, wins! Game 625 Team |0> is Joe Bot Team |1> is John Cena ====================================== Team |0> added R to their hand (1/20) Team |1> added Z to their hand (1/20) Team |0> added H to their hand (2/20) Team |1> added R to their hand (2/20) Team |0> added Z to their hand (3/20) Team |1> added X to their hand (3/20) Team |0> added R to their hand (4/20) Team |1> added H to their hand (4/20) Team |0> added X to their hand (5/20) Team |1> added H to their hand (5/20) ====================================== Round 0. State: [0.707,0.707] Team |0> plays R Round 1. State: [0.729,0.685] Round 2. State: [0.750,0.661] Round 3. State: [0.771,0.637] Team |0> added Z to their hand (6/20) Round 4. State: [0.790,0.613] Team |0> plays Z Round 5. State: [0.771,-0.637] Round 6. State: [0.750,-0.661] Round 7. State: [0.729,-0.685] Round 8. State: [0.707,-0.707] Round 9. State: [0.685,-0.729] Team |0> added R to their hand (7/20) Round 10. State: [0.661,-0.750] Team |0> plays R Round 11. State: [0.685,-0.729] Round 12. State: [0.707,-0.707] Round 13. State: [0.729,-0.685] Round 14. State: [0.750,-0.661] Round 15. State: [0.771,-0.637] Round 16. State: [0.790,-0.613] Round 17. State: [0.809,-0.588] Round 18. State: [0.827,-0.562] Round 19. State: [0.844,-0.536] Round 20. State: [0.861,-0.509] Round 21. State: [0.876,-0.482] Round 22. State: [0.891,-0.454] Round 23. State: [0.905,-0.426] Round 24. State: [0.918,-0.397] Round 25. State: [0.930,-0.368] Round 26. State: [0.941,-0.339] Round 27. State: [0.951,-0.309] Round 28. State: [0.960,-0.279] Team |0> added H to their hand (8/20) Round 29. State: [0.969,-0.249] Team |0> plays H Round 30. State: [0.482,0.876] Round 31. State: [0.454,0.891] Round 32. State: [0.426,0.905] Round 33. State: [0.397,0.918] Round 34. State: [0.368,0.930] Round 35. State: [0.339,0.941] Round 36. State: [0.309,0.951] Round 37. State: [0.279,0.960] Round 38. State: [0.249,0.969] Round 39. State: [0.218,0.976] Round 40. State: [0.187,0.982] Round 41. State: [0.156,0.988] Round 42. State: [0.125,0.992] Round 43. State: [0.094,0.996] Round 44. State: [0.063,0.998] Round 45. State: [0.031,1.000] Round 46. State: [0.000,1.000] Round 47. State: [-0.031,1.000] Round 48. State: [-0.063,0.998] Round 49. State: [-0.094,0.996] Round 50. State: [-0.125,0.992] Round 51. State: [-0.156,0.988] Round 52. State: [-0.187,0.982] Round 53. State: [-0.218,0.976] Round 54. State: [-0.249,0.969] Round 55. State: [-0.279,0.960] Round 56. State: [-0.309,0.951] Round 57. State: [-0.339,0.941] Round 58. State: [-0.368,0.930] Round 59. State: [-0.397,0.918] Round 60. State: [-0.426,0.905] Round 61. State: [-0.454,0.891] Round 62. State: [-0.482,0.876] Round 63. State: [-0.509,0.861] Round 64. State: [-0.536,0.844] Round 65. State: [-0.562,0.827] Team |0> added X to their hand (9/20) Round 66. State: [-0.588,0.809] Team |0> plays X Round 67. State: [0.827,-0.562] Team |0> added Z to their hand (10/20) Round 68. State: [0.844,-0.536] Team |0> plays Z Round 69. State: [0.827,0.562] Team |0> added X to their hand (11/20) Round 70. State: [0.809,0.588] Team |0> plays X Round 71. State: [0.562,0.827] Team |0> added M to their hand (12/20) Round 72. State: [0.536,0.844] Round 73. State: [0.509,0.861] Round 74. State: [0.482,0.876] Round 75. State: [0.454,0.891] Round 76. State: [0.426,0.905] Round 77. State: [0.397,0.918] Round 78. State: [0.368,0.930] Round 79. State: [0.339,0.941] Round 80. State: [0.309,0.951] Round 81. State: [0.279,0.960] Round 82. State: [0.249,0.969] Round 83. State: [0.218,0.976] Round 84. State: [0.187,0.982] Round 85. State: [0.156,0.988] Round 86. State: [0.125,0.992] Round 87. State: [0.094,0.996] Round 88. State: [0.063,0.998] Round 89. State: [0.031,1.000] Team |1> plays R Round 90. State: [0.063,0.998] Team |1> plays H Round 91. State: [0.729,-0.685] Team |1> added R to their hand (6/20) Round 92. State: [0.707,-0.707] Team |1> plays R Round 93. State: [0.729,-0.685] Round 94. State: [0.750,-0.661] Round 95. State: [0.771,-0.637] Team |1> added H to their hand (7/20) Round 96. State: [0.790,-0.613] Team |1> plays H Round 97. State: [0.094,0.996] Round 98. State: [0.063,0.998] Team |0> plays M State collapsed to [0, 1] Round 99. State: [-0.031,1.000] Team |1> plays Z --------Entering Overtime for 4 extra rounds, and Team |0> goes last-------- Round 100. State: [0.000,-1.000] Round 101. State: [0.031,-1.000] Round 102. State: [0.063,-0.998] Round 103. State: [0.094,-0.996] State collapsed to [0, 1] Team |1>, John Cena, wins! Game 679 Team |0> is Joe Bot Team |1> is John Cena ====================================== Team |0> added R to their hand (1/20) Team |1> added H to their hand (1/20) Team |0> added R to their hand (2/20) Team |1> added H to their hand (2/20) Team |0> added H to their hand (3/20) Team |1> added X to their hand (3/20) Team |0> added R to their hand (4/20) Team |1> added R to their hand (4/20) Team |0> added X to their hand (5/20) Team |1> added Z to their hand (5/20) ====================================== Round 0. State: [0.707,0.707] Team |0> plays R Team |0> added R to their hand (6/20) Round 1. State: [0.729,0.685] Team |0> plays R Round 2. State: [0.707,0.707] Team |0> plays R Round 3. State: [0.729,0.685] Round 4. State: [0.750,0.661] Round 5. State: [0.771,0.637] Round 6. State: [0.790,0.613] Team |0> added X to their hand (7/20) Round 7. State: [0.809,0.588] Team |0> plays X Round 8. State: [0.613,0.790] Round 9. State: [0.637,0.771] Round 10. State: [0.661,0.750] Round 11. State: [0.685,0.729] Round 12. State: [0.707,0.707] Round 13. State: [0.729,0.685] Round 14. State: [0.750,0.661] Round 15. State: [0.771,0.637] Round 16. State: [0.790,0.613] Round 17. State: [0.809,0.588] Round 18. State: [0.827,0.562] Round 19. State: [0.844,0.536] Team |0> added R to their hand (8/20) Round 20. State: [0.861,0.509] Team |0> plays R Round 21. State: [0.844,0.536] Team |0> added M to their hand (9/20) Round 22. State: [0.827,0.562] Round 23. State: [0.809,0.588] Round 24. State: [0.790,0.613] Round 25. State: [0.771,0.637] Round 26. State: [0.750,0.661] Round 27. State: [0.729,0.685] Round 28. State: [0.707,0.707] Round 29. State: [0.685,0.729] Round 30. State: [0.661,0.750] Round 31. State: [0.637,0.771] Round 32. State: [0.613,0.790] Round 33. State: [0.588,0.809] Round 34. State: [0.562,0.827] Round 35. State: [0.536,0.844] Round 36. State: [0.509,0.861] Round 37. State: [0.482,0.876] Round 38. State: [0.454,0.891] Round 39. State: [0.426,0.905] Round 40. State: [0.397,0.918] Round 41. State: [0.368,0.930] Round 42. State: [0.339,0.941] Round 43. State: [0.309,0.951] Team |0> added R to their hand (10/20) Round 44. State: [0.279,0.960] Team |0> plays R Round 45. State: [0.309,0.951] Round 46. State: [0.339,0.941] Round 47. State: [0.368,0.930] Round 48. State: [0.397,0.918] Team |0> added Z to their hand (11/20) Round 49. State: [0.426,0.905] Round 50. State: [0.454,0.891] Round 51. State: [0.482,0.876] Round 52. State: [0.509,0.861] Round 53. State: [0.536,0.844] Round 54. State: [0.562,0.827] Round 55. State: [0.588,0.809] Round 56. State: [0.613,0.790] Round 57. State: [0.637,0.771] Round 58. State: [0.661,0.750] Round 59. State: [0.685,0.729] Round 60. State: [0.707,0.707] Round 61. State: [0.729,0.685] Round 62. State: [0.750,0.661] Round 63. State: [0.771,0.637] Round 64. State: [0.790,0.613] Round 65. State: [0.809,0.588] Round 66. State: [0.827,0.562] Round 67. State: [0.844,0.536] Round 68. State: [0.861,0.509] Round 69. State: [0.876,0.482] Round 70. State: [0.891,0.454] Round 71. State: [0.905,0.426] Round 72. State: [0.918,0.397] Round 73. State: [0.930,0.368] Round 74. State: [0.941,0.339] Round 75. State: [0.951,0.309] Round 76. State: [0.960,0.279] Round 77. State: [0.969,0.249] Round 78. State: [0.976,0.218] Round 79. State: [0.982,0.187] Round 80. State: [0.988,0.156] Round 81. State: [0.992,0.125] Round 82. State: [0.996,0.094] Round 83. State: [0.998,0.063] Round 84. State: [1.000,0.031] Round 85. State: [1.000,-0.000] Round 86. State: [1.000,-0.031] Round 87. State: [0.998,-0.063] Round 88. State: [0.996,-0.094] Round 89. State: [0.992,-0.125] Team |1> plays R Team |1> added Z to their hand (6/20) Round 90. State: [0.996,-0.094] Team |1> plays Z Team |1> added X to their hand (7/20) Round 91. State: [0.992,0.125] Team |1> plays H Round 92. State: [0.771,0.637] Round 93. State: [0.750,0.661] Round 94. State: [0.729,0.685] Round 95. State: [0.707,0.707] Round 96. State: [0.685,0.729] Round 97. State: [0.661,0.750] Round 98. State: [0.637,0.771] Team |0> plays M State collapsed to [1, 0] Team |0> added R to their hand (12/20) Team |1> added R to their hand (8/20) Round 99. State: [1.000,0.031] Team |0> plays X Team |1> plays R Team |1> added R to their hand (9/20) --------Entering Overtime for 0 extra rounds, and Team |0> goes last-------- State collapsed to [0, 1] Team |1>, John Cena, wins! Game 769 Team |0> is Joe Bot Team |1> is John Cena ====================================== Team |0> added H to their hand (1/20) Team |1> added Z to their hand (1/20) Team |0> added Z to their hand (2/20) Team |1> added H to their hand (2/20) Team |0> added X to their hand (3/20) Team |1> added R to their hand (3/20) Team |0> added Z to their hand (4/20) Team |1> added X to their hand (4/20) Team |0> added R to their hand (5/20) Team |1> added X to their hand (5/20) ====================================== Round 0. State: [0.707,0.707] Team |0> plays Z Round 1. State: [0.729,-0.685] Team |0> added H to their hand (6/20) Round 2. State: [0.750,-0.661] Team |0> plays H Round 3. State: [0.031,1.000] Round 4. State: [-0.000,1.000] Round 5. State: [-0.031,1.000] Team |0> added X to their hand (7/20) Round 6. State: [-0.063,0.998] Team |0> plays X Round 7. State: [1.000,-0.031] Round 8. State: [1.000,-0.000] Round 9. State: [1.000,0.031] Round 10. State: [0.998,0.063] Round 11. State: [0.996,0.094] Team |0> added H to their hand (8/20) Round 12. State: [0.992,0.125] Team |0> plays H Round 13. State: [0.771,0.637] Round 14. State: [0.750,0.661] Round 15. State: [0.729,0.685] Round 16. State: [0.707,0.707] Round 17. State: [0.685,0.729] Round 18. State: [0.661,0.750] Round 19. State: [0.637,0.771] Round 20. State: [0.613,0.790] Round 21. State: [0.588,0.809] Round 22. State: [0.562,0.827] Round 23. State: [0.536,0.844] Round 24. State: [0.509,0.861] Round 25. State: [0.482,0.876] Round 26. State: [0.454,0.891] Team |0> added H to their hand (9/20) Round 27. State: [0.426,0.905] Team |0> plays H Round 28. State: [0.951,-0.309] Round 29. State: [0.960,-0.279] Round 30. State: [0.969,-0.249] Round 31. State: [0.976,-0.218] Round 32. State: [0.982,-0.187] Team |0> added X to their hand (10/20) Round 33. State: [0.988,-0.156] Team |0> plays X Round 34. State: [-0.187,0.982] Round 35. State: [-0.218,0.976] Round 36. State: [-0.249,0.969] Round 37. State: [-0.279,0.960] Round 38. State: [-0.309,0.951] Round 39. State: [-0.339,0.941] Round 40. State: [-0.368,0.930] Round 41. State: [-0.397,0.918] Team |0> added R to their hand (11/20) Round 42. State: [-0.426,0.905] Team |0> plays R Round 43. State: [-0.397,0.918] Team |0> added H to their hand (12/20) Round 44. State: [-0.368,0.930] Team |0> plays H Round 45. State: [0.368,-0.930] Round 46. State: [0.339,-0.941] Team |0> added Z to their hand (13/20) Round 47. State: [0.309,-0.951] Team |0> plays Z Round 48. State: [0.339,0.941] Round 49. State: [0.368,0.930] Round 50. State: [0.397,0.918] Round 51. State: [0.426,0.905] Round 52. State: [0.454,0.891] Round 53. State: [0.482,0.876] Round 54. State: [0.509,0.861] Round 55. State: [0.536,0.844] Team |0> added H to their hand (14/20) Round 56. State: [0.562,0.827] Team |0> plays H Round 57. State: [0.976,-0.218] Team |0> added H to their hand (15/20) Round 58. State: [0.969,-0.249] Team |0> plays H Round 59. State: [0.536,0.844] Round 60. State: [0.562,0.827] Round 61. State: [0.588,0.809] Round 62. State: [0.613,0.790] Round 63. State: [0.637,0.771] Round 64. State: [0.661,0.750] Round 65. State: [0.685,0.729] Round 66. State: [0.707,0.707] Round 67. State: [0.729,0.685] Round 68. State: [0.750,0.661] Team |0> added H to their hand (16/20) Round 69. State: [0.771,0.637] Team |0> plays H Round 70. State: [0.998,0.063] Round 71. State: [1.000,0.031] Round 72. State: [1.000,0.000] Round 73. State: [1.000,-0.031] Round 74. State: [0.998,-0.063] Round 75. State: [0.996,-0.094] Round 76. State: [0.992,-0.125] Round 77. State: [0.988,-0.156] Team |0> added R to their hand (17/20) Round 78. State: [0.982,-0.187] Team |0> plays R Round 79. State: [0.988,-0.156] Round 80. State: [0.992,-0.125] Round 81. State: [0.996,-0.094] Round 82. State: [0.998,-0.063] Round 83. State: [1.000,-0.031] Round 84. State: [1.000,0.000] Team |0> added H to their hand (18/20) Round 85. State: [1.000,0.031] Team |0> plays H Round 86. State: [0.707,0.707] Round 87. State: [0.685,0.729] Round 88. State: [0.661,0.750] Round 89. State: [0.637,0.771] Team |1> plays R Round 90. State: [0.661,0.750] Team |1> added R to their hand (6/20) Round 91. State: [0.685,0.729] Team |1> plays R Round 92. State: [0.661,0.750] Round 93. State: [0.637,0.771] Round 94. State: [0.613,0.790] Team |0> added Z to their hand (19/20) Round 95. State: [0.588,0.809] Team |0> plays Z Round 96. State: [0.613,-0.790] Round 97. State: [0.637,-0.771] Team |1> added H to their hand (7/20) Round 98. State: [0.661,-0.750] Team |0> plays H Team |1> plays H Round 99. State: [0.685,-0.729] Team |0> plays R Team |1> plays Z --------Entering Overtime for 8 extra rounds, and Team |0> goes last-------- Round 100. State: [0.707,0.707] Team |1> plays H Round 101. State: [1.000,-0.031] Team |1> plays X Round 102. State: [0.000,1.000] Round 103. State: [0.031,1.000] Round 104. State: [0.063,0.998] Round 105. State: [0.094,0.996] Round 106. State: [0.125,0.992] Round 107. State: [0.156,0.988] State collapsed to [0, 1] Team |1>, John Cena, wins!