Given query access to $f:\{0,1\}^n \to \{0,1\}$, find a marked input $x$ such that $f(x) = 1$.
($N = 2^n$)
The algorithm:
The intermediate state of the algorithm lies in the 2-dimensional subspace spanned by
$$ \ket{x^*} \qquad \text{and} \qquad \ket{\Delta} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{N - 1}} \sum_{x \neq x^*} \ket{x}~. $$The Grover iterate operator $R O_f$ rotates states in this subspace by angle $2\theta$ where
$$ \sin \theta = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N}}. $$If there are $M > 1$ solutions, then can find a solution with $O(\sqrt{N/M})$ queries.
The intermediate states of the algorithm are in the span of
$\ket{\Gamma} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{M}} \sum_{x : f(x) = 1} \ket{x}$, uniform superposition over all solutions
$\ket{\Delta} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{N - M}} \sum_{x : f(x) = 0} \ket{x}$, uniform superposition over all non-solutions
In the end, the output is a random solution.
What if you wanted to output all solutions?
There is $O(\sqrt{NM})$ query solution:
The total number of queries is
$$ \sqrt{\frac{N}{M}} + \sqrt{\frac{N}{M-1}} + \cdots + \sqrt{\frac{N}{1}} $$What if you wanted to count the number of solutions, not just find them?
Given query access to $f:\{0,1\}^n \to \{0,1\}$, output an estimate $\tilde{M}$ of the number of marked inputs $M$, such that
$$ (1 - \epsilon) M \leq \tilde{M} \leq (1 + \epsilon) M. $$Solution: Grover search + phase estimation.
Recall that for Phase Estimation, we need:
Unitary: we'll use the Grover iterate $G = R O_f$
On the 2-dimensional subspace $\mathrm{span} \{ \ket{\Gamma}, \ket{\Delta} \}$, this is the rotation matrix
$$ \begin{pmatrix} \cos 2\theta & -\sin 2\theta \\ \sin 2\theta & \cos 2\theta \end{pmatrix} $$where $\sin \theta = \sqrt{M/N}$. The eigenvalues of this are $e^{i 2\theta}$ and $e^{-i 2\theta}$.
The nontrivial eigenvectors of $G$ are:
$$ \ket{\psi_{\pm}} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \Big ( \ket{\Gamma} \pm i \ket{\Delta} \Big). $$We run Phase Estimation with the state $\ket{+}^{\otimes n}$, which satisfies
$$ \ket{+}^{\otimes n} = \alpha \ket{\psi_+} + \beta \ket{\psi_-} $$for some $\alpha,\beta \in \C$.
Running Phase Estimation, we get a state that is close to
$$ \alpha \ket{\psi_+} \ket{\widetilde{2 \theta}} + \beta \ket{\psi_-} \ket{\widetilde{-2 \theta}} $$Measuring the second register, we get an approximation of $2\theta$ or $-2\theta$ with some probability. Assuming $\theta < \pi/2$, we can recover $\theta$ from either.
Using $t$ ancilla qubits, can estimate the phase to within $2^{-t}$.
The estimate of number of solutions is then
$$ \tilde{M} = N (\sin \tilde{\theta})^2. $$How far off is this from the true number of solutions?
Thus the estimate satisfies $$ \Big | \tilde{M} - M \Big | \leq 2\sqrt{NM} \delta + N \delta^2 $$
Remember that $\delta \leq 2^{-t}$. Then choosing $t = \log \Big( \frac{1}{\epsilon} \sqrt{\frac{N}{M}} \Big)$ we get
$$ (1 - \epsilon) M \leq \tilde{M} \leq (1 + \epsilon) M. $$as desired.
We're running phase estimation with $t$ bits of precision, which means we're running $G, G^2, G^4, \cdots, G^{2^t}$ which means
$$ 1 + 2 + 4 + \cdots + 2^t = 2^{t+1} - 1 $$queries to $O_f$.
This is at most
$$ O \Big (\frac{1}{\epsilon} \sqrt{\frac{N}{M}} \Big) $$queries -- not much more than finding a single solution!
This also gives a way to find a solution without knowing $M$: first get estimate $\tilde{M}$, and then run $O(\sqrt{N/\tilde{M}})$ iterations!
The idea behind Grover's algorithm can be used to solve more general problems! This leads to the Amplitude Amplification algorithm.
Starting with state $\ket{\phi}$, Grover iterations eventually move towards the subspace $S$.
We can write $$ \ket{\phi} = \alpha \ket{\phi_S} + \beta \ket{\phi_{S^\perp}} $$
where $\ket{\phi_S} \in S$ and $\ket{\phi_{S^\perp}}$ is orthogonal to $S$.
By running $O(1/\alpha)$ iterations of $O$ followed by $R$, we can obtain a state that has high overlap with $\ket{\phi_S}$.
The algorithm evolves the state in the span of $\ket{\phi_S}$ and $\ket{\phi_{S^\perp}}$.
The Grover search algorithm is a special case of amplitude amplification:
Let $A$ be a unitary (e.g. corresponding to a quantum circuit). Suppose that
$$ A \ket{0 \cdots 0} = \alpha \ket{\psi_{good}} + \beta \ket{\psi_{bad}} $$where $\ket{\psi_{good}}$ is a good solution. Suppose there is a measurement that yields a good solution with probability $|\alpha|^2$.
What if we want to get a good solution with high probability?
By repeating the circuit $A$ and measurement $T = O(1/|\alpha|^2)$ times, we can get a good solution with high probability.
Using Amplitude Amplification, we can get a good solution with $O(\sqrt{T})$ calls to $A$.
Since the overlap of $\ket{\phi}$ with $\ket{\psi_{good}}$ is $\alpha$, we can boost the amplitude to close to $1$ in $O(1/|\alpha|)$ repetitions.
Quantum complexity theory.